
December 2007
Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi is visiting France and he has a few special requests: “I want my tent to be erected near Elysee Palace. I want to meet 200 attractive French women there.” And: “I want to go to Renault plant to see the laborer section and to meet 200 attractive French women.”
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There is nothing more precious than one’s children; for a parent to lose a child must cause pain beyond imagining. It must therefore have been extremely distressing for the parents of Private Luke Worsely to receive a letter purporting to be from an Islamic leader, “Sheikh Haron”, taunting them on the day they buried their...
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There is nothing more precious than one’s children; for a parent to lose a child must cause pain beyond imagining. It must therefore have been extremely distressing for the parents of Private Luke Worsely to receive a letter purporting to be from an Islamic leader, “Sheikh Haron”, taunting them on the day they buried their...
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