British National Party leader Nick Griffin is attempting to gain a visa to enter Australia. If he isn’t allowed to enter, Darrin Hodges is ‘warning‘ that it may lead to another Cronulla:
Darrin Hodges, the NSW head of the extreme Australian Protection Party, which is backing his visit, said: “Having a full and frank debate was more helpful than not … and suppressing the debate leads to events like Cronulla.”
Nick Griffin’s British National Party is rather exclusive; the party constitution constraining membership to:
The indigenous British ethnic groups deriving from the class of ‘Indigenous Caucasian’ consist of members of: i) The Anglo-Saxon Folk Community; ii) The Celtic Scottish Folk Community; iii) The Scots-Northern Irish Folk Community; iv) The Celtic Welsh Folk Community; v) The Celtic Irish Folk Community; vi) The Celtic Cornish Folk Community; vii) The Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Folk Community; viii) The Celtic-Norse Folk Community; ix) The Anglo-Saxon-Norse Folk Community; x) The Anglo-Saxon-Indigenous European Folk Community; xi) Members of these ethnic groups who reside either within or outside Europe but ethnically derive from them.
And in other British National Party news, a leaked copy of their entire membership database has been released online today — complete with people’s names and addresses. There’s going to be some very unhappy members of the Celtic-Norse Folk Community tonight.