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On naming teddy bears

Apparently anxious to defy the stereotypes, some Sudanese protesters are now calling for Mrs Gillian Gibbons, the 54 year old teacher whose students chose the name ‘Muhammad’ for their class mascot, to be killed. Hundreds of Sudanese Muslims have taken to the streets of Khartoum demanding death for the British school teacher convicted of insulting […]

Planning Permission and Pigs’ Heads

In a bizarre act of protest: The heads of two pigs have been found on stakes at the site of a proposed Islamic school in Sydney’s south-west….The pig heads had been “elevated off the ground” using stakes, he said. An Australian flag was also strung up between the stakes, according to AAP. It is, of […]

The Virtues of Being Prepared

Within hours of Brendan Nelson being named leader of the opposition, someone put a site up (nelsonfacts.com) attacking him. According to the Whois record for the domain, the site was registered on November 26th. Domain Name: nelsonfacts.com Created on ………….Mon Nov 26 16:46:53 2007 Expires on ………….Thu Nov 26 16:46:53 2009 Record last updated on .Wed Nov 28 […]

Crank Call

Some commentators may have got it wrong in predicting the outcome of this weekend’s election, but few have got it as spectacularly wrong as Pastor Danny Nalliah, of Catch the Fire Ministries. Whereas the commentators of the media and blogosphere may have based their predictions on statistics, anecdotal evidence or just gut feel, the Christian […]