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Islamic Creationist and a Book Sent Round the World

The New York Times reports: In the United States, opposition to the teaching of evolution in public schools has largely been fueled by the religious right, particularly Protestant fundamentalism. Now another voice is entering the debate, in dramatic fashion. And that voice, of course, is “Harun Yahya” with his regurgitation of Western Christian creationist ideas.

Dr Haneef Transcript

The Australian have published a leaked transcript [pdf] of Dr Haneef’s interview with the Australian Federal Police. Hedley Thomas, whose reporting of the incident so far has been excellent, summarises the transcript here. Update: The Australian and Sydney Morning Herald both seem to have removed the documents they had online.  For the many people looking […]

Dr Haneef: The Story So Far

Indian doctor Dr Haneef was charged on the weekend — after being held without charge for twelve days — with “recklessly” supporting a terrorist organisation by giving his cousin a mobile phone SIM card around one year ago. Dr Haneef argues that he gave it to his cousin before departing the UK because he had […]

Psychology Today; suicide bombers are trying to mate.

Tim Blair offers us a free kick at psychologists (for which I thank him); those people who earn a living by examining the psychological entrails of other people and offer entirely useless suggestions (e.g. perhaps all your problems are caused by some sort of suppressed sexual weirdness, or perhaps you would be happier if your […]