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Angry Muslims? There’s just one of them

In the West, when people want to make a political point and speak truth to power, they know that nothing says we-mean-business quite like a giant paper mache head. But, if the television footage is to be believed, Muslims in the Muslim world do things a little bit differently: it’s rage, rage, rage and, if […]

Hate Speech and the Blogosphere

Last week, the ABC’s Media Watch did a piece on the offensive comments left by some readers on newspaper websites and one blog: in this case, Tim Blair’s popular weblog. There is no doubt that the comments shown on the program are extremely offensive and are obviously the work of immature idiots. For example, take […]

Internet Filtering: An Exercise in Pointlessness

It has always been obvious that although the government had been successful in outlawing a number of printed publications, the fact that each of these could be downloaded from multiple places on the internet made the bans more or less redundant. So it is not surprising that the Daily Telegraph is reporting today that the […]

“The Muslims are breeding”

Johann Hari, writing in The New Republic, offers an amusing (and slightly disturbing) travelogue on the National Review cruise. Some highlights: I am standing waist-deep in the Pacific Ocean, indulging in the polite chit-chat beloved by vacationing Americans. A sweet elderly lady from Los Angeles is sitting on the rocks nearby, telling me dreamily about […]