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Restaurant review: Patogh

When my younger brother was a resident doctor at the Hammersmith, he used to arrive on Edgeware road on a Sunday evening, (after a weekend on being on duty) and order a dozen or so pieces of deep fried chicken from the HFC (Halal Fried Chicken). He would then sit in his car, windows up […]

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Turkey

Ayaan Hirsi Ali has a rather strange opinion piece doing the rounds in which she comments on the current situation in Turkey and the ongoing tension between the elected representatives of the Turkish people and the military. The idea of an army under civilian control doesnโ€™t seem particularly controversial to us, but Hirsi Ali opposes […]

On Insurance

Abu Eesa at his new blog Alternative Entertainment has some thoughts on insurance. He makes the usual distinction made by the scholars between mutual insurance (permissible) and commercial insurance (generally considered to be impermissible) and then proceeds to discuss some of these objections. Leaving aside the question of whether commercial insurance is or is not […]

Siege mentality?

In a department store yesterday, a sales assistant was helping me with a product; he needed to check the price and when he got back to me, he went to ring through the transaction. In the interim, a woman had gone to the counter, products on hand ready to buy. Technically I was there first […]