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Turkish Presidents and the Veil

The thought of their head of state being married to a woman who wears the dreaded hijab appears too much for some Turks to handle. As al-Ahram put it: Secularist Turks regard having a head-scarfed first lady in the presidential palace as a violation of the secular state. And the military is so distressed that […]

Opportunities Down Under: Islamic Finance In Australia

We are very pleased to present a guest post from Ozrisk. This is a reprint of an article published in Business Islamica Magazine. Since the first large-scale Muslim migration to Australia occurred in the early 1970s, the Islamic community has grown from just a few thousand, concentrated in the suburbs of Melbourne, to become the […]

Send Messages of Condolence to Family of Waleed Shaalan

Amad of Muslim Matters has written to let readers know that they are organising for messages of condolences for Waleed Shaalan, the Egyptian student murdered at Virginia Tech, to be sent to his family in Egypt. At the end of the month, they will print and package the messages posted to this thread so please […]