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Halal Certification for Financial Products

Halal certification for food can, at times, be something of a rort. There is well-known principle in fiqh (jurisprudence) that states that the ‘asl (basis) of all things outside of matters of worship is that they are permissible. In other words, the starting assumption when faced with these issues is that they are allowed. This […]

Professor Muhammad Mohar Ali has passed away

I was informed today that Professor Muhammad Mohar Ali, the father of Abu Muntasir (of JIMAS), passed away on Wednesday morning. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raaji’oon. Here is a brief biography of the sheikh: Born in Khulna in Bengal, he was a scholar of Seerah and Hadith who served as a lecturer of Islamic […]

Kevin Rudd calls for sacking of Australian ‘mufti’

Yesterday, federal opposition leader Kevin Rudd was demanding that the government revoke Muslim convert and journalist Yvonne Ridley’s visa. Today, he is demanding that Muslim leaders sack Sheikh Taj ad-Din al-Hilaly now rather than wait three months. He isn’t even in government and already he’s trying to tell Muslims what to do. Meanwhile, federal Labor […]