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Little Mosque on the Prairie: Not liberal enough for Tarek Fatah

Muslim opinion, as far as one can discern it from reading a few of the blogs, seems largely lukewarm as far as the CBC sitcom Little Mosque on the Prairie is concerned. One of the reasons seems to be, among other things, it’s portrayal of the more religiously conservative characters on the show. It was […]

FGM: time to rescue Western women?

FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) has long been used as a hammer with which to beat Muslims, and especially us nasty wasty fundamentalists. The practice is confined largely to Sub-Saharan Africa, but as it is no longer acceptable to denigrate black people, they must be recast as Muslims so as to be collectively vilified. The small […]

The best we can hope for is tolerance

When my copy of The Spectator arrived earlier this week, my heart sank to see the now rather hackneyed image of a niqabi woman’s eyes staring out from the front cover. “Oh no,” I sighed. “It’s going to be an article against the veil. Again.”However, the piece by John Gray, described by The Spectator as […]

Burqini babes? Burqiniwatch?

Mainstream media has recently covered the ‘burqini’ phenomenon, extolling its virtues and gushing over the lifesavers who are adopting its use in what is, unashamedly, a PR exercise to dim the Anglo face of beach culture. For those living under a rock, the burqini is a “Muslim-friendly” swimsuit for women, which apparently covers the body […]