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Godwin’s Law and the Debate about Sheikh Taj

Godwin’s Law states that, “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.” Except in the rare cases where a comparison to the Nazis or Hitler is apt, it is usually a certain sign that a person has lost the argument and is now attempting to invoke […]

Little Mosque on the Prairie: What do you think?

Canada’s CBC network recently launched a new sitcom called Little Mosque on the Prairie that centers on some Muslims who have moved to a rural part of Canada (thus the name). CBC, Canada’s public broadcaster, believes that the series will break down stereotypes and improve relations between Canada’s Christian majority and the Muslim community. Muslim […]

Michael J. Totten: Hanging with Hezbollah

Michael J. Totten’s blog demonstrates how the medium can be used to bring a depth of reporting that one doesn’t ordinarily find in the so-called mainstream media. Totten has no corporate backing, relying instead on donations and, I presume, the sale of his freelance writing and photography yet one can only be impressed by his […]

I called her Pinky. She called me Pooh Bear.

Timothy Noah remembers Benazir Bhutto in Slate: I called her Pinky. She called me Pooh Bear. As Aspen Institute seminars droned on, we’d scribble anagrams of the participants’ names. “Had ingrain id,” I jotted during one particularly tedious lunch while Indira Gandhi extemporized about textile exports. “Rid hairy piranha disdaining,” Pinky replied in a flash, […]