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The Threat of Conversion

The Australian reports today that members of the PM’s Muslim Community Reference Group (MCRG) have taken a break from calling for government acceptance of Hezbollah as ‘freedom fighters’, and chanting “death to the enemies” (of Lebanon) at anti-war rallies to put forward a rather novel idea. The MCRG are calling for the establishment of a […]

The Meaning of Hezbollah: Does anybody care?

Nowadays, let’s face it, it’s just not PC for Muslims to question Hezbollah’s motives or raise doubts about the efficacy of supporting them. One doesn’t need to travel too far into the Australian Muslim community to see that everyone loves Nasrallah. Even the handpicked members of the government’s Muslim Reference Committee — card-carrying moderates, if […]

Why ‘Miss World’ misses the mark

When Michelle Leslie donned a burqa while imprisoned awaiting trial in Bali last year, the responses from Australian Muslims varied from outrage and disgust to complete apathy. Many Muslims took her actions personally, offended that she may have been using Islam to guide herself to freedom. Others wisely demonstrated just how little they cared. As […]

Princess Bitchface

This week in Australia: We have been transfixed by a coronal inquest that saw a drug fueled gang sex session end in the death of a mother of three aboard a cruise ship. The coroner has said that there are 8 “men of interest” to her investigation. The company specifically attracted a young, single, male […]