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The Relative Affluence of Muslim America

The Economist has an interesting piece on the growing importance of the “Muslim market” in the United States and how companies are adapting to it.  They write: But a new study by JWT, an advertising agency, points out that the 6m or so Muslims in America are, on average, richer and better educated than the […]

Terrorists turn to MMORPGs

The Australian reports that, having had their camps destroyed in Afghanistan, terrorists are now turning to RPGs — as in MMORPGs — for training. Kevin Zuccato, head of the Australian High Tech Crime Centre in Canberra, says terrorists can gain training in games such as World of Warcraft in a simulated environment, using weapons that […]

Harun Yahya: Jews, Jews, Masons, Jews

We posted a piece recently about creationist spammer Adnan Oktar aka “Harun Yahya”. His biography page provides a wealth of interesting information about the mysterious Turkish author. For example: Adnan Oktar was first arrested and imprisoned, then transferred to the Bakirkoy Mental Hospital on the grounds of being mentally unhealthy and placed under observation in […]

Australian Muslims: mice, not men

The treatment of Dr Haneef has been deeply troubling for many Australians, of all political stripes. I don’t know if Haneef is guilty as charged (or guilty of more) but I hope he is, because if he is innocent then we have witnessed a high-tech public lynching. What has equally surprised me has been the […]