Over at conservative website Town Hall, Anne Fortenberry offers a “Christian perspective” on Ramadan. Note the passive aggressive tone as she writes about her “Muslim friends” and the gratuitous photo to the left of the main body of text.
Over at conservative website Town Hall, Anne Fortenberry offers a “Christian perspective” on Ramadan. Note the passive aggressive tone as she writes about her “Muslim friends” and the gratuitous photo to the left of the main body of text.
Pastor Danny Nailiah of Catch the Fire Ministries and his wacky predictions are a favourite of this site. He most recently appeared in the media for claiming to have predicted the bushfires in Victoria after receiving a: a flash from the Spirit of God: that His conditional protection has been removed from the nation of […]
ABC News Reader Virginia Haussegger writes on her blog: I’ve seen it elsewhere around the world, but I didn’t expect to see it here. Certainly not on a hot summer’s afternoon at the Canberra Centre. But there it was. A ghostly figure walking towards me, clad from head to toe in a heavy black niqab, […]
Jill Singer offers a defence of Sarkozy’s proposed “burka ban” in the Herald Sun today, arguing that it should be illegal to wear it because she thinks it is ugly and may be uncomfortable on hot days. She writes: No matter what your personal views about the burka — a symbol of oppression or expression […]