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Sheikh Taj offers ‘explanatory statement’

The latest development in the Sheikh Taj is that the sheikh has been admitted to hospital after an angina attack at Lakemba Mosque this afternoon.  Since then, he has released a statement which is available in PDF form at The Sydney Morning Herald or at the website of the Lebanese Muslim Association.

24 hours in the Australian media

It’s been a busy week for the Australian media when it comes to reporting Islamic issues. Following the initial report in The Australian of Sheikh Taj’s speech, there has been a tsunami of coverage as each outlet has sought to offer a new and different perspective or insight on the events that are unfolding in […]

Guilty meat but innocent cats

The Australian is reporting today and, as one might expect, the media is abuzz with Sheikh Taj al-Hilali’s alleged comments during Ramadan. According to the report — which I hope is untrue — the sheikh is reported to have likened rape victims to a piece of meat and those that rape her to cats merely […]

Did the Command Economy kill the Khalifah?

An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire by Prof. Halil Inalcik is an excellent resource for anyone who wishes to understand, in detail, the nature of Ottoman economics. It is particularly interesting, for example, to note that one of the reasons that the author gives for the decline of Ottoman economic power relative […]