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Jack Straw and the Veil

British MP Jack Straw has generated considerable controversy in the United Kingdom over recent comments critical of the niqab (face veil). He is, of course, entitled to his point of view and, as Abu Eesa has mentioned, we should welcome the opportunity to explain to non-Muslims what the niqab means. As he writes: Islamically speaking, […]

Ameer Ali’s Letter to The Australian

Following his recent comments, Ameer Ali, former head of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils and current chairman of the Prime Minister’s Muslim Community Reference Group has written an interesting letter to The Australian thanking them for their role in the ‘debate’ about Islam. I WOULD like to thank the editorial team of The Australian […]

Ramadan Roundup

Alhamdulillah, we have all lived to see another Ramadan and insha’Allah we will benefit from this month of months. As this article reminds us: The month of Ramadan has arrived again, the month of fasting and prayer. It is the month that provides an opportunity for forgiveness from Allah and emancipation from our sins. It is the month for […]

Some Thoughts on Pope Benedict’s Speech

At some point, I hope, Muslims will come to realise that there are far more elegant and eloquent ways of responding to the charge that we follow a religion of violence than to respond with the sorts of violent expressions of misdirected rage that we have seen in recent days. Of course, to be fair, […]