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The Fifth of November

On the fifth of November, the American libertarian candidate for the Republican nomination, Dr Ron Paul, made history by raising an amazing $4.3 million dollars in a single day of online fundraising. The fifth of November is, of course, the day on which an attempt was made to blow up the parliament and features prolifically […]

Camden and Crime

Many residents in the town of Camden, in Sydney’s south west, are enraged that Muslims are supposedly “invading” their rural community, bringing with them all sorts of criminal behaviours and social pathologies. The Sydney Morning Herald reported: The proposed Islamic school for Camden has outraged thousands of residents, some of whom say it would bring […]

Follow the Falafel

CQ Politics reports: Like Hansel and Gretel hoping to follow their bread crumbs out of the forest, the FBI sifted through customer data collected by San Francisco-area grocery stores in 2005 and 2006, hoping that sales records of Middle Eastern food would lead to Iranian terrorists. The idea was that a spike in, say, falafel […]

Pauline Hanson: Muslims destroyed industry, farms and factories

Senate hopeful Pauline Hanson blames Muslims for the “destruction” of “our industry, manufacturing, our farmers, everything that is Aussie and to be proud of ..” “I’ve seen the destruction of our industry, manufacturing, our farmers, everything that is Aussie and to be proud of … that’s been lost,” she said. “They’ve just opened up the […]