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Pauline Hanson on Malaysia, David Hicks and Muslim immigration

Pauline Hanson has, once again, benefited the community with her puerile insights. The former fish and chip shop owner turned politican from Queensland was in the news earlier after she claimed that David Oldfield had seduced her in a motel; a claim which Oldfied naturally raced to fervently deny. Oldfield would later take his denials […]

Meet the New Mufti, same as the Old Mufti?

The Australian National Imams Council met today to discuss the issue of whether there should remain a position of mufti and, if so, whether the incumbent, Sheikh Taj, should continue to hold it. The Age is reporting that the position will remain, Sheikh Taj al-Hilali will continue to fill it, but at some point the […]

Guest Post: ‘Sufism’ and US Foreign Policy (Part I)

This is the first in a special series of guest posts by Sindbad of Islamophobia Watcher. Sindbad will be analysing the 2004 Nixon Center’s report, Understanding Sufism and its Potential Role in US Policy [pdf]. Note: This piece has NOTHING to do with the experience of Sufis or Sufism, and so I’ve put the word […]