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The politics of Muslim bashing; part 2

Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small. Small is how Jackie Kelly and her husband must feel. In a more civilised age they would be to ashamed to show their faces in polite company. Kelly’s husband who is a dentist was caught red handed letter-boxing ugly racist leaflets in the […]

Reason interviews Hirsi Ali

For all her blabbering about liberty and liberalism, Ayaan Hirsi Ali sure has some illiberal ideas when it comes to Muslims. From an interview in the latest issue of the libertarian Reason magazine: Reason: Don’t you mean defeating radical Islam? Hirsi Ali: No. Islam, period. Once it’s defeated, it can mutate into something peaceful. It’s […]

Pauline Hanson Idiocy Watch: Episode MCMXLIV

Last week, our favourite senate hopeful Pauline “Dancin‘” Hanson said: “Every school in Australia is Christian apart from the Islamic schools….” …and apart from the Jewish schools, and, of course, public schools And in other Hanson news, Australian rock star Jimmy Barnes talks about a potent concoction of vinegar and lemon he drinks before each […]

People of Camden: The Cavalry has Arrived

As the people of Camden rally to defend their rural paradise from the armies of Muslim school teachers and students amassing at their gates, they will undoubtedly be reassured that the cavalry has arrived. Darrin Hodges, head of the so-called Anglo-Australian National Community Council, has selflessly taken time out from his apparent involvement with the […]